A joyous celebration of Christmas, with a message of kindness and a reminder of what Christmas is really about, this is a wonderful book to share this festive season from brilliant illustrator, Rob Biddulph.

Bright, bold illustration throughout will cause smiles and laughs as we follow Odd Dog on her adventure to discover that the real meanings of Christmas are friendship and giving.

I loved the rhyming...perfect for a read aloud to an audience, and the story itself is funny and engaging, with the range of characters expected from a festive tale: elves, reindeer, Santa himself. I also loved the little list of thi gs to find through the book...five gold rings, four calling birds, three French hens ( you get the gist!?).
A lovely picture book, enjoyed by my 9 and 7 year old, this would be a lively gift or book to share with family this year.
Happy Christmas, everyone!
An Odd Dog Christmas is out now, published by HarperCollins (harpercollinschildrensbooks.co.uk)
Rob Biddulph is on Twitter as @RobBiddulph, and his YouTube channel has great 'Drawalongs', including this one of Odd Dog! Enjoy.
Review by Rich Simpson (@richreadalot) December 2021.