I loved revisiting Bear and his quest for sleep in this follow up to 'The Bear Who Stared', where we see Bear, despite his best preparations, struggling to get to sleep. It's funny, beautifully illustrated, and gently reassuring, and I loved sharing it with my children at home and in class.

Thanks to Templar for sending me a copy to review and having me on the blogtour for this book. Find out what others think via the links here:

Find out more about author, Duncan Beedie, via these links: duncanbeedie.co.uk/no-sleep-for-bear/ and on Twitter as @DuncanDraws
Publisher Templar books are at: https://www.bonnierbooks.co.uk/childrens-imprints/templar-books/ and on Twitter as @templarbooks
Thanks to Elanor at Templar for having me on the blogtour. Review by Rich Simpson (@richreadalot) July 2022. All views my own.