Milo's a rhino.
He likes to do all sorts of rhino-y things . . .
He likes writing and climbing
and banister-sliding
and mountain bike riding,
he paints and he sings.
Milo just loves being a rhino – but there's one small problem . . . rhinos don't cry.
At least that's what Spike-O Mcree, his movie-star hero, always says. But when Milo meets Spike-O face to face, he finds out that not only is crying OK, it's also very brave!
This is a joyous rhyming picture book, telling the story of Milo, a young rhino who, inspired by his mach idol, Spike-O, thinks 'Rhinos don't cry'. But a face to face meeting shows him the truth about expressing his own feelings, and that crying is no shame at fact it's very brace!
Fun, with beautiful bright colourful illustrations, this is a brilliant book to share aloud.
Published by Bloomsbury, it'sout now.
Thank to Blue at Kaleidoscopic Book Tours for the copy to review.
Find out more at @montygristo, @chris_jev, @kidsbloomsbury, @kaleidoscopicbt on social media, or at