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Jazz Santos vs. The World - Priscilla Mante


A brilliant tale, with messages of perseverance, determination, friendship and family, and perfectly timed to build on the enthusiasm created by the Euros, Jaz Santos is a great tale, showing that football is not just a game for boys and men, and woe betide anyone who may suggest so!

It's great to see such a strong female character in such a traditionally male scenario and game...Jaz would be inspirational in any case, with her attitude, determination and drive, but setting her challenges in the game of football makes it almost a more powerful a message...if you want to do something and work hard, you'll get there!

As I've already mentioned, there are lots of themes at play here alongside the beautiful game! Teamwork, family splits, making the right choices, overcoming challenges and acceptance are all points that are raised and contended with as Jaz tries to show the world what a 'Dream Team' her Bramrick Stars girls are, and get people to take them seriously!

I'm looking forward to further books in this series, and thoroughly enjoyed this first book and Jaz's adventures. Thank you to phoebe and Puffin for the copy of the book to review and for having me on the blogtour.

Follow author Priscilla Mante as @priscilla_mante on Twitter or on her website

Review by Rich Simpson (@richreadalot) June 2021

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