Although everyone knows the tragic end to this story, David Long cleverly and dramatically retells the tale here with enough drama to keep the reader gripped, and enough technical details and facts to interest even those who may think there is no more to know about the Titanic's story.

Telling the story behind the boat, it's concept, design and build, right through to the sinking and subsequent discovery of its resting place, this is a detailed, thorough and thoughtful version of the story that is bound to enthrall and inform readers both new to the story and those already familiar with it.
I'm already a fan of David Long...his Survivors stories are a favourite text in one of my Year 6 teaching units, and this is another example of his skill in retelling true stories in a captivating and exciting narrative, here accompanied by beautiful black and white drawings from illustrator, Stefano Tambellini.

Another brilliant, accessible shorter length but high quality book from Barrington Stoke. Read the first chapter on their website here:
Thanks to the publisher for sending me this copy to review.

Barrington Stoke are on Twitter as @BarringtonStoke, and David Long as @writerdavidlong
David Long's website is davidlong.info and you can see more of Stefano Tambellini's work on his site, https://ste-tambellini.format.com/
Review by Rich Simpson (@richreadalot) March 2021